
Kubespray advanced configuration for a production cluster

In this post, we will see some advanced options provided by kubespray for production-grade cluster creation. In most places on the internet, you will see the basic instructions to create a simple(Hello World) Kubernetes cluster using a bunch of virtual machines. However, kubespray offer much more than that. For example: 1. You can install several

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What is high availability, and how to make your infrastructure resilient to failures?

This post demonstrates how load balancers help achieve higher availability of the control plane nodes in a simple cluster environment. The post targets the beginner audience; with the concepts, procedure, and testing. The same concepts apply to setting up a high-available Kubernetes cluster. The post is divided into three parts; feel free to skip to

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Create a Virtual Machine with cloud-init using libvert(Automated)

In this post, we will see an automated approach to creating a guest VM with cloud-init using libvert/virt-install. In the Previous post described here, we have seen the manual procedure. Now, we will use a shell script wrapper to do the same for our convenience. For your convenience, the script is loaded with comments, so

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Create Virtual Machines using virt-install(libvert) with cloud-init

This post will demonstrate creating a high-performance guest VM with cloud-init using virt-install. The Qemu/libvert/KVM stack is currently the best bet to get the near-native performance from the virtual machines. When combined with cloud-init, the stack gets more empowered and highly convenient to set up virtual machines. This is especially helpful if you require creating

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How to setup longhorn block storage for Kubernetes cluster

In this post, we will see how to install longhorn into your Kubernetes cluster. If you are not familiar with longhorn block storage, it is a production-ready block storage solution specially designed for Kubernetes. you can install longhorn on any managed Kubernetes cluster, on-prem, or even in your home lab. It is a lightweight solution

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