July 2022

Changing the traffic distribution of a Kubernetes service

In Kubernetes with the default configurations, When a deployment is exposed via a service, the traffic is distributed between the endpoints/replicas in a round-robin way. This is great for most cases; however, the cluster administrator sometimes wants a finer traffic distribution control. Kubernetes provided a few more strategies for traffic distribution among the service’s endpoints. […]

Changing the traffic distribution of a Kubernetes service Read More »

Kubespray advanced configuration for a production cluster

In this post, we will see some advanced options provided by kubespray for production-grade cluster creation. In most places on the internet, you will see the basic instructions to create a simple(Hello World) Kubernetes cluster using a bunch of virtual machines. However, kubespray offer much more than that. For example: 1. You can install several

Kubespray advanced configuration for a production cluster Read More »

What is high availability, and how to make your infrastructure resilient to failures?

This post demonstrates how load balancers help achieve higher availability of the control plane nodes in a simple cluster environment. The post targets the beginner audience; with the concepts, procedure, and testing. The same concepts apply to setting up a high-available Kubernetes cluster. The post is divided into three parts; feel free to skip to

What is high availability, and how to make your infrastructure resilient to failures? Read More »

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